Ice Cream with Cloudberry Sauce
As you know, mamma doesn’t bake, so our collection of recipes includes very few desserts. This one is very simple and very, very Swedish. The important ingredients are the Cloudberry Preserve and the Swedish Punsch (Punch in English). The cloudberry is a summer berry found mostly in the Northern countries, as it grows close to the Artic Circle. Punsch is a sweet alcoholic drink, prepared from the Indian root Arrak.
Ice Cream with Cloudberry Sauce
- 1 box of vanilla ice cream
- Sauce these amounts may vary, according to taste:
- 12 tablespoons of cloudberry preserve you find it at IKEA
- 1 cup punsch impossible to find, if you don’t get it from Sweden
- Serve the ice cream in individual bowls or dessert glasses, and put back in the freezer until desert time.
- In a small pot, warm together the cloudberries and the punsch, and mix well. If you let it boil, it will cook away the alcohol in the punsch, which may be good for non-drinkers. (Triple sec is probably a good substitute)
- Serve this sauce as the topping for the ice cream. (you don’t really need the cloudberry, as long you have lots of punsch)
Photo by lilivanili 
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